Rules of Discipline
The Values We Promote
Education is so much more than book learning alone. It is training children to become strong, responsible and independent adults. This is why, at our school, we do not see the rules as a long list of ‘dos’ and ‘don’ts’. They are more of a basic philosophy of our school and a list of values promoted by us. We have set our school rules to promote an effective learning environment, a supportive teaching atmosphere and to help foster mutual respect between the staff and students.
The following acts and conduct on the part of the student will amount to misconduct
- Misbehavior towards any staff of the school.
- Intentional disturbance of classes.
- Absence from the classes without the permission of competent Authority.
- Bullying/intimating others.
- Eve-teasing/misbehavior towards girl-student.
- Damaging/Disfiguring school property.
- Indulging gin physical violence in any manner.
- Disobeying lawful orders of the teachers/principal.
- Bringing unauthorized people/articles/instruments.
- Theft/pilferage of school/students property.
- Any behavior unbecoming of a student.
- Indulging in acts or moral turpitude.
- Every punishment awarded to a student will be documented.
- Any damage done to the school property/premises will enforce punitive measure of imposing fine.
- Student found using unfair means during the examinations will be marked Zero in that subject. These subjects will not be eligible for any academic awards or school appointments.
- It is compulsory for the student to complete 90% of the attendance in the year to make him/her eligible to appear in the final examination.